Ataxia Chat 2002 - "A MSN community to join for those with ataxia and their family and friends, and participate by joining the chat room, adding your member profiles, birthdays, favourite web links, etc. |
"INTERNAF Chat & Inspire" [I.C.I.] - a yahoo e-mail group which is an e-mail list designed to give the support and encouragement many INTERNAFfers have said they need to help them 'make it through the day' -a list for Ataxians, their families and friends.....a wide variety --inspirations, web pages, [clean] jokes, etc.-- from everyone." |
AtaxiaSexuality - A yahoo e-mail group which is an e-mail forum for ataxia patients or other adult disabled persons (and their partners) to openly discuss sensitive issues and ask questions about sexuality. |
LOFRDA - A yahoo e-mail group which is an e-mail support group list for individuals with late-onset Friedreich's Ataxia [and other late-onset ataxians] |
FAPG - Friedreich's Ataxia Parents Group is an international internet email support group list and website for parents of children with Friedreich's ataxia or other childhood onset ataxia. |
Martys Jokes - A yahoo e-mail group whicg contains almosst daily humor, inspiration, and some information. |
INTERNAF - A yahoo e-mail group which is an international e-mail based forum to exchange information and support for those who are diagnosed with Ataxia, their families and friends as well as anyone who has an interest in these disorders. It is an independent organisation, run completely by volunteers |
Aparenting List - A yahoo e-mail group which is designed for information and support regarding Ataxic parenting. The list has been created for Parents with Ataxia* or their spouses or if you are just seeking Ataxic pregnancy and or childraising information. |
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